Remove nuclear throne together mod
Remove nuclear throne together mod

remove nuclear throne together mod remove nuclear throne together mod
  1. Remove nuclear throne together mod mod#
  2. Remove nuclear throne together mod mods#

There is a ton of let’s plays on the mod. Another character can trade health to duplicate itself for more firepower. One character could use the experience you gain in the game as money to buy new weapons or upgrades. Many characters make interesting use of the recourse systems in place. Another one has a huge benefit for throwing weapons away instead of using them. One of the characters I added can slowly fill the level with its own cover. However I wanted to explore what a more tactical/slower or economy based play styled would look like. No cool-downs and everything is fast pasted action. I knew the design philosophy of Nuclear Throne. I added a lot of new characters that would vastly alter Nuclear Throne’s play-style. In the end the levels feel different and fairer because of these changes. These levels require the player to pay more attention to their positioning. I tweaked all of these things and added new levels with interesting elements such as ground that can burn or freeze the player. Enemies would often spawn too close to players there was little cover and the variety in level generation was also little.

Remove nuclear throne together mod mods#

Then place/unzip the downloaded mods there. The version that I modded had a ton of issues in this system. Make a new directory called 'mods' in your Nuclear Throne directory or it's AppData directory (where the save file is). Nuclear Throne uses a level generation system. Table of Contents Notes on Playstyles Anointments Pistols Assault Rifles SMGs Shotguns Sniper Rifles Heavy Weapons Shields Grenades Class Mods Artifacts PLAYSTYLES While some gear can work on any build, oftentimes it is a specific playstyle that brings out the best of a piece of gear. The names were so recognizable and similar that people would often just not pick them up when they were underpowered at some point in development. Top Gear threads have been combined into one topic, go here. Some of the added weapons were part of an already existing weapon family. For example a gun that fired a missile which the player could then control using different buttons on the keyboard.Ī lot of weapon families were added all of them with a distinct name and art style. However very often the community suggested ridiculously complex ideas that didn’t add enough depth. This allowed me to add more complexity to Nuclear Throne. He is a powerful adversary, casting a myriad of spells and cycling through forms which mirror the different dungeon magic enemies elements. The Dungeon Constructor is a Hardmode Boss meant to be fought after Plantera but before Golem.

Remove nuclear throne together mod mod#

Most people who played this mod had a fair bit of playtime and knowledge of the original game. Perhaps the greatest sorcerer to ever live, and definitely the oldest living one. I had to work around and be creative in terms of scripting. I added a ton of things including weapon modifications which was quite a task since the game was not designed and developed with this idea in mind. It was important that I filtered the bad and good ideas and turned these into weapons that would be fun to use and balanced. A lot of the community suggested weapons to me. I wanted this mod to be somewhat balanced and not over the top, Nuclear Throne is already pretty over the top in terms of its weapons. Very often this would also include overpowered weapons and ridiculous things. An appeal of mods in games is that it can step outside of the original game’s theme.

Remove nuclear throne together mod